Calenders on more ancient systems in history

Calenders on more ancient systems in history

The Hebrew or Jewish calendar
The Hebrew or Jewish calendar


Mayan Calendar
The Mayan people lived in the Yucatan area of present day Mexico and the neighbouring areas.They had an astonishing knowledge of astronomy.Their culture had declined by the time Spanish invaders occupied their territory in the 16th century.The Haab or civil calender of the Mayan had 18 months made up of 20 days each.Five extra days -considered particularly unlucky,were added at the year's end,known as Uayeb,giving a year of 365 days.

Gregorian Calendar
The Gregorian calender is one of the most used calender now a days.It is named after Pope Gregory XIII who introduced it in 1582.There is a leap year every four years.
*In leap year February has 29 days.

Chinese Calendar
Present day China uses Gregorian calender for most purposes,but traditional festivals such as Chinese New Year take place according to the ancient Chinese calender.Legend has it that this was started during the reign of Emperor Huangdi in 2637 BC,and relates to the positions of the Moon and the Sun.It follows a 60yr cycle which combines a heavenly stem and earthly branch,represented by a zodiac animal.Each earthly year is believed to be linked with certain qualities.

Hebrew and Islamic Calendars
The Hebrew(Jewish) and Islamic(Muslim) calendars are based on the lunar(Moon) cycle.Every month starts approximately on the day of a new moon,or when the crescent is first seen after a new Moon.

Indian Calendar
The Indian calendar is based on the motions of the Sun and Moon and is dated from the so called Saka Era,equivalent to AD 79.It is used for dating religious and other festivals,but the Gregorian calendar is used for official dates.

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